Updates for Easier GraphQL API and Mapping Service Integration


In the ever-evolving world of technology, developers are always looking for new and innovative ways to create applications that provide a great user experience. One way to achieve this is by leveraging APIs that can quickly and efficiently deliver the data that is needed. Our company has recently made significant updates to our GraphQL API and Mapping Service that will make it easier for developers to work with our platform and create exceptional travel experiences for their users.

To make our GraphQL API more accessible, we have added comprehensive documentation on GitHub. The new documentation includes getting started guides that help developers read from their itinerary or build their own itinerary creator on top of our platform. The guides provide detailed steps and code examples, making it easy for developers to get started and quickly integrate our API into their applications.

Github documentation makes it easier for developers and agencies to build their own user interfaces on top of the Alpaca Platform

View Documentation on GitHub

In addition to the documentation, we have released several SDKs for JavaScript/TypeScript that enable developers to communicate with our API using their preferred technology. The SDKs use popular technologies such as Apollo, Fetch, and GraphQL-Request, allowing developers to communicate with our API more conveniently and effectively.

We have also updated our Mapping Service documentation on GitHub to help our Australian subscribers easily access frequently updated ATDW tiles or ABS data, as well as administrative data from Natural Earth datasets such as time zones and countries/regions. With these updates, developers can access the latest information and ensure their applications are always up to date.

By providing developers with these resources, we hope to empower them to create travel applications that are both functional and engaging. With the help of our GraphQL API and Mapping Service, developers can quickly and easily access the data they need, making it possible to create applications that provide a truly exceptional user experience. We are excited to see the innovative ways developers will use our platform and how it will continue to evolve and improve the travel industry.